What to know before you cancel
We are sorry to see you go, but appreciate the time you’ve spent as part of our community.
During this transition, we will do everything in our power to make sure that you are set up for success. You can expect the offboarding process to take around two weeks.
How to cancel your membership
Start the process: send an email to hello@collective.com stating your intent to cancel your membership. Our Member Experience team will respond to your email within 1 business day with a few questions to answer. You’ll receive a separate email detailing your Offboarding Date, as well as what to expect in the coming weeks.
Download your tax returns and other documents from the Collective Dashboard. Be sure to complete this before your Offboarding Date.
Transfer or cancel your bookkeeping service:
If you currently have XERO or Quickbooks for bookkeeping, Collective will transfer admin rights of your account by your Offboarding Date.
If you are using Collective Accounting, make sure to download your data (via CSV export) prior to your Offboarding Date.
Transfer or cancel your Gusto payroll account: Collective will transfer admin and billing directly to you by your Offboarding Date. No actions are required to continue your subscription.
To cancel Gusto: follow the instructions in Gusto's Help Center.
Choose your registered agent: you will receive an email introducing you to your LLC’s current registered agent. You may continue using their services, select a different registered agent, or begin the process of dissolving your LLC.
Learn more about registered agents here.
If you intend to maintain your LLC, you’ll be responsible for the following obligations:
Annual filings (dependent on your state)
Franchise/State taxes (requirements are dependent on your state)
Maintenance of changes (dependent on your state, it may be Statements of information, and/or Annual report, and/or Annual Renewal, etc. Please check your state for requirements.)
Business tax returns
Wage and tax reports
Offboarding confirmation: on your Offboarding Date, you will receive a final email from our team confirming transfer (or cancellation) of your bookkeeping account and Gusto payroll account. Your Collective Dashboard account will also be closed.
Frequently asked questions
Can I pause my membership?
Due to the nature of accounting and tax preparation services, we’re unable to pause memberships. This allows us to maintain current monthly bookkeeping for your business and accurately calculate quarterly tax estimates throughout the year.
Please be aware that once you cancel your membership and offboard with Collective, we are no longer able to re-onboard you to our services.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial or tax advice. It is not intended to be a substitute for obtaining accounting or other financial advice from an appropriate financial adviser or for the purpose of avoiding U.S. Federal, state or local tax payments and penalties.