An LLC/LLP Request for Information (TR-570) is issued by the New York Department of Taxation and Finance. If you have received one of these notices, you have already gone through part of the process of organizing your business as either an LLC or an LLP. The Tax Department sends this questionnaire (LLC/LLP Request for Information) to all LLCs and LLPs newly registered with the Secretary of State. It is very important that the form be filled out and returned to the Tax Department. They will use this information to establish and update taxpayer account information.
The Tax Department allows 15 days from the date on the form to complete and return the form. The form will include a TF number, which is a temporary identification number.
Enter your business mailing address and business physical address. If the address includes a care of (c/o) enter that in the mailing address section only. Address formation is:
Top box: street address
Middle box: City, state, zip code
Bottom box: phone number
2. Indicate the LLC federal tax election. For LLCs with S Corp designation, check the box for Other and write in S Corp. Check Yes for single member entity.
3. Enter your 9 digit EIN (no dash) in the box in the first section of Part 3. If your EIN has been applied for but not received, enter Applied for on the line below. Do not heck the box below.
4. Enter your six digit NAICS code. NAICS codes are six-digit codes used to classify businesses according to their economic activity. You can find more information about NAICS codes from the state’s website here: North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Codes AND from the state’s Publication 910 here: Publication 910, NAICS Codes for Principal Business Activity for New York State Tax Purposes
5. List yourself as the Member of the LLC. All fields for the individual being listed must be completed in this section. You must also sign and date the bottom of this section. The form will be returned if it is not signed or if it is incomplete.
6. Proceed to Part 7. Check the first box “The LLC/LLP is not a successor to any prior business entity,” and proceed to Part 9 of the form.
7. Refer to Part 9 if you need to register for other taxes.
8. Return the completed form via mail or fax.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial or tax advice. It is not intended to be a substitute for obtaining accounting or other financial advice from an appropriate financial adviser or for the purpose of avoiding U.S. Federal, state or local tax payments and penalties.