If your address is in Kenton County (Kentucky), you might be required to register for a Kenton County Fiscal Court Account Number in order to run payroll successfully. This account ID is used by the payroll software, Gusto, to withhold and pay county payroll taxes on behalf of your business.
To register for this account number, please follow the instructions listed below:
Visit Kenton County Website and click "Business Services" on the main page.
On the next page, click "File Online Here"
Then, select "Business License and when you see the
"Do you currently have an Occupational License with Kenton County and Cities?", Select "No", unless you already have this license.
You will now see a User Agreement. Read the agreement and check the " I have read the agreement and accept." box at the bottom of the agreement, if you agree to this. Click "Next"
You will now see the main Business License Application. Still filing out the application with the help of the following instructions
Business Name: Enter your complete Business name. For example, if the name of the Business is ABC LLC, please enter ABC LLC, not just ABC.
Owner Name: Enter your own name
Owner Email: Enter your own email address.
Trade Name / DBA: If you have a DBA, enter that. Otherwise, copy the business name from the Business Name field above.
Address: Ente Physical location of the business
Date Business to Begin in County: The establishment date of your business is typically when you registered it with the state. However, if you registered some time ago but only started conducting business recently, please provide the recent date (This is usually the beginning of the payroll month)
Telephone: Enter your contact #
NAICS Code: This is the code for your business activity. Click the NAICS Code Search link next to this field and it will open a new tab. Enter a couple of words describing your business activity to search for the right code. For example, Photography services, Website development, Writer, etc.". It will show you a list of the relevant activities and codes. Select the one that best describes the services you provide and enter it in the field on the form.
You can also find this info on Google by searching "NAICS code + your activity" -
Your Name: Enter your own name
Title: Owner/Member
Your Email: Enter your email address.
EIN / TIN / SSN: Please enter your business FEIN. (Do not enter SSN here)
What is the Nature of your Business? From the drop-down, please select the industry that best describes the nature of your activity.
Under the Entity Type section, select the Type as LLCSingle
Enter your DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)
Click "Next" button at the bottom of the page.
Under "Business License Fee", you'll notice that the "Kenton County" option is already selected with $0.00 fee but you also need to select your City of residence. Once you select that, it will show you the total fee that you need to pay for your license.
the following is an example of someone with a Park Hills address.
Select "Yes" or "No" for the questions under the "Employee Details" section.
Will any part of business activity be performed from your home? Select "Yes", unless you have a different work location.
Do you or will you have employees? Select "Yes"
No. of Employees: Enter 1
Do you or will you use Independent Contractors? Select "No", unless otherwise.
Do you or will you use "Leased" or "Temporary Help" employees?: Select "No", unless otherwise
Do you or will you have Employees working from home? Select "Yes"
Click "Add new home employee" button and it will add a new row to the list of employees above. Click the "Edit" button and it will open a small dialogue box. Enter your own name and address here. Once added, click the small while cross sign on the top right of the dialogue box to close it and go back to the main form. You will now see your name and address added to the list of employees. Click the "Save" button.
Next, you will see the payment page. Enter the payment information to pay the fees and click "Next"
Follow the remaining instructions and submit the application.
You should receive your Kenton County Fiscal Court Account Number in the next few days via email.
Once you receive the email, please send us a copy by messaging us using the message center in the Dashboard. - Attention to: Employer Registration Department.
If you run into any issues, please message us using the message center in the Dashboard or call Kenton County at (859) 392-1400.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial or tax advice. It is not intended to be a substitute for obtaining accounting or other financial advice from an appropriate financial adviser or for the purpose of avoiding U.S. Federal, state or local tax payments and penalties.